It's been a busy July with a bunch of press approvals so I haven't been blogging as much as I should be. I have been thinking about this subject for a long time and talking to a bunch of container companies lately. In the next couple of weeks I will attempt to qualify which container is the most "Earth Friendly" from manufacturing through consumer disposal & recycling. I am going to limit myself to comparing containers that hold 12oz of beverage: a glass beer bottle, a common aluminum soda can and a PET bottle. The decoration, secondary and tertiary packaging will be considered to as well as the cap.
The bigger problem in this country is the real lack of
recycling, the packaging material is just not getting where it needs to go to be recycled and there is no infrastructure to handle the waste stream. Not sure yet if I would support a national recycling law or support new deposit requirements.
If you are involved with this issue, please feel free to send me some information or make a comment. Thanks - Barry
1 comment:
I think this is excellent idea and I look forward to the discussion. I hope you also take into account the label when you discuss the total impact on the recyclability of each kind of container.
Regards, Peter Renton
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